Saturday, April 4, 2009

my life was when I felt loved....

actually I was happy loved before that i've never even thought how complicated our status was..

everytime I'm with him it felt so nice to be alive... to be loved by the one you love...

eating together... cuddling... watching comedy movies... surprise dinner...

whenever I'm with him im so happy and i can't describe the feeling...

could be overwhelming....

In love it will describe as nothing in this world could explain how much it feels like...

woke up every morning that theres one face looking at you and when you look back he will just smile and kiss you...

the feeling of the most important person in your life today while you were sleeping gave you a hug and said "I love you"...

somebody cared everything you do...

somebody is thinking of you....

everytime we hugged and kissed I always told me myself.. I'm wishing he's the last man for me...

we jive each other in any kinds of tripping...

when our friends see each other very sweet they cant help themselves but to be happy for the two of us because we're really happy when were together and it shows in our actions....

they noticed how deep love starts to bloom with me and with him....

I don't care who or what ever he is... cause what i care is what we felt for each other...

even we know from the start that everything is wrong....

I know it from the start that we are wrong...

that we couldn't be lovers....

I know that anytime he will leave me for his gf...

but it doesnt matter to me before....

what matters most is that even for a little time that we are together...

A little time how we held each others arm....

A little time how we felt love AGAIN....